Ok, I know that blogging has been "Steve's job" lately, but I felt like I needed to post my "glamorous" morning for all to see. I only have pictures of the one incident, but I will describe the morning for your imagination. First of all, Delainey and Jacqueline (in her Bumbo) and I sat down to breakfast. Delainey was in a "mood" so she didn't want to eat, she was pouting because I wouldn't let her eat breakfast in the den watching cartoons (I'm a bad mom, I know). All of a sudden, I hear a loud "hiney burb" (thanks for the phrase Grayson :) and I thought MAYBE Jac had made a mess in her diaper for mom. When I picked her up to see what present awaited me, I found more than a small poo. See photos. Upon changing the young babe, I realized that I stepped in dog tee tee on her rug (mess #2). Then, as I was cleaning up this mess, Delainey decided she was ready to eat her breakfast, which included her chocolate milk.......and she poured it all over herself!!! As I was cleaning up that outfit and the kitchen floor, she had changed clothes and was going potty. I got preoccupied in the kitchen emptying the dishwasher and when she came out of the bathroom, she said "Mommy, the water in the potty got really big and spilled." Apparently she had used too much paper and flooded the bathroom. Mess #4 to clean....
As you can tell, it's been quite a morning. Let's hope the weekend brings less drama and a whole lot less cleaning!!!
Oh my goodness, I'm dying laughing right now!!!! Better you than me!! :)
Eww, Jac! What in the heck!
I am laughing too but also feeling VERY SORRY for YOU!!!! What a morning and a mess! That Delainey cracks me up.
oh, Laura, I feel your pain!!! I have had more than my fair share of those mornings...
I am so sorry, and I can't stop laughing because you actually posted pictures of poo on the internet!
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