New Year

Saturday, February 7, 2009

My Best Friend

Tomorrow will mark the six year anniversary of our wonderful marriage. I want to take a post to brag on my fantastic husband. Not only does he keep up this awesome memoir of our little family but he also works hard to provide for us, nurtures our two greatest accomplishments, gives me "Laura time" more than I think I deserve, cooks and cleans when needed, brings me ice water to bed every night, feeds and cares for the dogs, updates me on how I need to be "safe" at every minute and above all, grows the most obnoxious facial hair just to spite me! I can only imagine with this much on his plate, he must be exhausted. And yet, he still finds time to let me know constantly how much I mean to him. I, on the other hand, am not so good at telling him often enough how much I truly adore him both for being my husband and best friend, but also for being an incredible father, a wonderful son and son-in-law, a great care giver and the most honorable and loyal human being with whom I have the pleasure of spending the rest of my life! Steve, you are more than I dreamed of when I knew as a little girl that I wanted to marry and raise a family. Thank you for six years of highs, lows, in betweens and the most amazing love and warmth to make me proud to be your wife. I love you!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Happy Aniversary! Glad I was there then, and even happier to still be around now.
Love y'all!