As promised on fb, I am updating about my precious nephew (including new photos). Liam was diagnosed with PKU shortly after he was born. Apparently it is part of the blood work that DHEC does for newborn babies in the hospital. I do not profess to be knowledgeable about the disease, I basically just hear things from Pat and Michelle and try to read up as much as I can ( Essentially, poor little Liam can not process protein like most of the rest of us. He is currently on a special formula which he needs a certain amount of each day and then he can nurse for the rest of the time. Each week Pat and Michelle have to take a blood sample (twice) to DHEC to have his protein levels measured to adjust his feedings accordingly. Yesterday was the first time they took the levels in themselves and he is doing VERY well. Most people with PKU are essentially vegans for the rest of their lives, getting the only type of protein they can by way of supplements. So, that is the extent of my general knowledge, please comment to correct me if I have said something incorrectly (it's entirely possible and probable). As for Liam individually, he is back up to his birth weight and doing great!!! And, he is PRECIOUS! He has fantastic parents and they are all doing well!
Pie and his babies....I think he might be in heaven here!!
Delainey loves baby Liam!