New Year

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Jac is growing up!

I love this smile!

Yes, I can do it myself!

I mean, who doesn't sleep like this?

So it has been awhile since any of us have posted to our family blog, so I decided to take a couple of minutes and put up a few pictures. The quality of the pictures aren't great, because they are from my cell phone camera. Our nice digital camera dissapeared a couple of weeks ago and has not surfaced anywhere. Very dissapointing!

Anyway, this update is dedicated to sweet Jac Jac. She is growing up right before our eyes. Still not much of a talker, but she is very smart and....determinded is the best word. She holds her own with her big sister, but is still very clingy to Mommy most of the time. I think she would be just as content being an only child or a little sister. She is very expressive with her facial expressions and wants to try everything by herself (reminds me of another kid in this house). Now, if we could just get her to start talking to us, life would be so much easier!

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