New Year

Monday, December 1, 2008

Missing Poppie

Dec. 2nd is a special and sad day for The Columbia Fam. Last year on Dec. 2nd, my Dad (Poppie to Delainey) lost his long battle with cancer. The holidays have been emotional for me this year and I really can't believe it has been one year. My Dad was a special guy and not a day goes by that I don't miss the guy. I still have his numbers and e-mail address in my Blackberry because I am just not ready to get rid of them yet.
Dad went out of his way to welcome his two daughter-in-laws into the family and always gave them a hard time just like he did his two sons. The apple of his eye was Delainey and I know he would have been overwhelmed with happiness if he had been around to welcome Jac. Anyone that knew my Dad loved him. I wish everyone could have known my Dad.

He fought a long and courageous battle against cancer and I couldn't have been more proud of him. I know it is selfish to still want to have him here and I know that he is no longer in pain, but damnit I miss him!

Love you Dad!


Margaret said...

You and your family are in my prayers, Steve!!

Emily said...

Steve, so sweet. Tears in my eyes. And not a selfish way to feel at all. I selfishly want a lot of people to still be in my life. I love you and your family and I loved your dad even though I only knew him briefly. I'll be thinking about y'all today.

Micah said...

I can only imagine how hard it is. Just know that we will be thinking of you, and your family today and throughout the holidays.
Love the Bolens...

Megan Shropshire said...

Steve~What a wonderful post dedicated to your dad! I, too, have goosebumps and tears in my eyes...I can't imagine how hard it is to lose a parent. You are in my prayers. I hope this holiday brings sweet memories of your father and thoughts of wonderful times ahead to enjoy with family. God Bless!

Rose said...

My brother will be missed not only by the SC family but by Fla,Va and Ind.friends and family and many other places. He touched so many lives in so many places. He will always be with each of us in our hearts forever I am sure.