New Year

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Tubes are in!

So after 8 double ear infections Jac finally has some relief! We were up at 2am so that she could eat before the surgery and then again at 4:30 with both of the girls in our bed for some reason. After getting Delainey back in her bed, we slept until 5:45am and then we were up for the morning to be at the surgery center by 6:30am. We actually waited in the lobby and pre-op longer than the procedure lasted. Jac's doctor was great and if you need a ENT recommendation, let us know. She said Jac's ears were slam full of fluid, but no infection today. We left the surgery center and Laura, Jac, and myself were snuggled up back in bed by 8:30am. We had a good nap until 11am and Jac woke up the happiest baby! It is always nice when she is not screaming when she wakes up.
A big thank you to Mimi for coming over so early in the morning to take Delainey to school. Of course Delainey was thrilled about this and gave Mimi no problems, therefore we have decided Mimi should come over every morning to wake grumpy, I mean Delainey up. Delainey was so thrilled to show off her Mimi this morning at school.


MatersandMelons said...

Tubes have made a huge difference with Gibson -- it is definitely worth it to get those suckers in there!

Emily said...

Awesome! I am glad that she's feeling better all ready.

Katie said...
