New Year

Sunday, July 13, 2008


So, we actually had a weekend with nothing going on and I wanted to take all of the Columbiafam girls up to Virginia to see my grandmother and show them my hometown. Mimi decided to make the trip too and she and my wife ganged up on me and got me to drive "half-way" Thursday night so they get could go shopping at the outlets on Friday morning. So after driving through a Jacqueline meltdown and pouring rain, we finally got to bed around 11pm on Thursday night. Fortunately, the outlets didn't open until 10am, so we were all able to sleep-in on Friday morning. Mimi, Laura and Jacqueline hit the outlets while Delainey and I went in search of trains. Both of the excursions were successful as the girls spent too much money and Delainey and I got to do some picture taking and train watching. We finally got back on the road around lunch time and made a mid-afternoon arrival in my hometown. It was a bittersweet trip for me and Mimi as it was our first time back in Virginia since my Dad passed away. Not only is it my hometown, it is also where my Dad grew up.

So we arrived at Nanny's house Friday afternoon in time for Delainey to meet her cousin Alyssa and see her (great) Uncle Chris again. Mimi went to see some old friends for dinner Friday night, but the Columbiafam enjoyed a great home cooked meal by Nanny and then called it a night. Delainey and I woke up early Saturday morning so we could check out the pool at the hotel. Wow! The water was way to cold for an indoor pool and hot tub was way too hot for little girls. After everyone was dressed, we visited my grandfather's grave and then spent the morning at Nanny's house so the girls could play and Nanny could hangout with her latest Great-grandchild. We all headed to lunch at Chic-Fil-A, so Delainey and Alyssa could enjoy an air-conditioned playground since it was a little too warm to play outside. After lunch, we toured around town and visited some family friends before heading to an old family hangout for dinner. We enjoyed some adult beverages, good company, and some good Italian food before touring around some more and finally calling it a night.
Sunday was travel day and I knew it was going to be a long day in the car, especially for the little ones. We checked out of the hotel and headed over for breakfast with the family. Overall, it was a great trip and the girls did pretty well in the car. Delainey watched movies for the most part, but by the time we got home on Sunday, she was worn out and her behavior showed it. Mommy let her play in the sprinkler since she had been locked up in the car for 6 hours. Jacqueline had a rough trip up, as we think she might be getting some teeth in. However, the child slept from the time we left Virginia, Laura had to wake her when we stopped for lunch, and then she slept until after we had dinner at home tonight. I guess all of the socializing wore her slap out.

I am glad the girls got to see my hometown and see where there grandfather grew up. They won't remember much from this trip, but at least we got some pictures to show them. Delainey had a blast playing with her cousin and seeing her Nanny. Hopefully we can get back up there for a longer visit real soon!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Delainey is the bomb! So so cute! What a little poser! Always striking a pose when she is taking a picture. Love it!
Glad the visit with the family went well.