New Year

Saturday, July 19, 2008

This feels like Wild Kingdom

Yet another wild animal for the Columbiafam to deal with. I noticed on Thursday evening some sort of animal droppings on the table on the back patio. Just thinking that a small bird had established residence in our collapsed umbrella, I casually pulled back a fold in the umbrella and saw this fella. Not what I expected! That's right, it is a bat!

Don't worry, I have no intnention of hurting this guy and I am going to leave him where he is right now. I have been told that one bat can kill up to 1000 mosquitos in one night and I am anti-mosquito. I think I am going to invest in a bat house and then when it is dark one night and the bat is gone, I will just raise the umbrella back up.

Stay tuned for the next animal spotted in these parts!


Margaret said...

I'm anti-mosquito, too. Want to send a bat my way? :)

Micah said...

I love all the wild animals!